Earth In Space

The Earth in Space module helps students understand Earth’s place in space by thinking about cycles and patterns. As students learn about and reproduce the cycles of the moon and the seasons, they broaden their understanding of the Earth’s rotation and the moon’s orbit around the Earth. Reinforcing these concepts as well as student’s math skills, students perform a number of pattern-building activities In offline learning activities, students do some kinesthetic learning by performing a spinning and orbiting dance.

Lunar Tune screenshot
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Lunar Tune

This Elaborate session promotes the use of formal definitions and explanations in a format not traditionally used in science instruction. In this session students view an animated literature piece and use their digital Notebook to record their ideas. Students also participate in a teacher-led discussion that emphasizes the science content of the literature. To complete the session, students participate in offline activities that reinforce the connection between science, literature, and the arts.

Does Not Belong screenshot
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Does Not Belong

This Elaborate session allows students to practice and apply new terminology related to the patterns and cycles observed on Earth. In this session students participate in activities that focus on the content vocabulary addressed throughout the module. To complete the session, students work independently, or with peers, to complete an offline activity that reinforces literacy skills.

Earth In Space

Over and over, the Moon changes phase, day turns to night and spring becomes summer. These cycles of change happen as the Earth spins on its axis while orbiting around the sun. This module introduces students to the different cycles observed on Earth.

Core Concept

Earth’s motion and position in space results in predictable patterns of change, including day/night, seasons and the phases of the Moon.

Essential Vocabulary

cycle, day-night cycle, Earth, globe, Moon, orbit, repeat, season, space, sun, sunrise, sunset, year

Professional Development screenshot
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Science4kid provides the essentials that teachers need to confidently and effectively lead a classroom in any science lesson. This demo shows:

  • One section of the “Teacher Explain”
  • One of the 40 teacher support documents

Support Document


Students internalize new facts and vocabulary with a song about the moon. The variety of approaches to learning in the Earth and Space module helps every learner connect with material about space.

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