Exploring the Universe

Exploring the Universe begins with elements of space that we can see, like the sun and stars. In interactive online activities, students learn about the sun and stars and the Milky Way. Students learn to distinguish stars in the night sky from planets, airplanes or the International Space Station.

Organize the Sky screenshot
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Organize the Sky

This Elaborate session allows students to apply what they have learned to new situations. In this session students participate in a selection of activities that focus on science process skills and content understanding. To complete the session, students work independently or with peers to complete an offline activity that reinforces science process skills.

Explore screenshot
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The Explore session promotes interest in and curiosity about our solar system. In this session students manipulate a virtual model of the solar system. Students also participate in a teacher-led discussion that encourages them to wonder about the parts of our solar system. To complete the session, students work collaboratively offline and further explore the objects found in our solar system.

Exploring the Universe

The Universe contains everything, from stars and planets to solar systems and galaxies — even you. In this module, students will explore the different objects that make up the Universe and the tools we need to observe space.

Core Concept

We use special tools to observe the galaxies, stars, and solar systems found in the Universe.

Essential Vocabulary

astronaut, Earth, galaxy, moon, orbit, planet, solar system, space, spacecraft, star, sun, telescope, universe

Professional Development screenshot
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Science4kid provides the essentials that teachers need to confidently and effectively lead a classroom in any science lesson. This demo shows:

  • One section of the “Teacher Explain”
  • One of the 40 teacher support documents

Support Document


In another activity, students sort things found on Earth and things found in space. By beginning with what they know and participating in fun activities, K-2 students can build a foundation of knowledge and vocabulary about space!

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