History of Earth

The Earth unit begins with the History of Earth module. Students learn about Earth’s long history and the place of exciting things like volcanoes, dinosaurs, and giant bugs within that history.

Engage screenshot
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The Engage session activates students’ prior knowledge of history and passing time. In this session, students use their digital Notebooks to illustrate, on a timeline, a memorable time in their life and then watch an animated story that gets them thinking further about the topic. Students also participate in a teacher-led discussion of the history of Earth. To complete the session, students collaborate with peers offline and continue to unpack their prior knowledge.

Memory Match screenshot
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Memory Match

This Elaborate session allows students to apply what they have learned to new situations. In this session, students participate in a selection of activities that focus on science process skills and content understanding. To complete the session, students work independently, or with peers, to complete an offline activity that reinforces science process skills.

History of Earth

The Earth has changed since its beginning and continues to change today. Most of the changes on Earth happen over such a long period of time they cannot be observed. In this module students experience how the Earth has changed over time and learn about the clues that are used to identify those changes.

Core Concept

Fossils of plants and animals, earthquakes and volcanoes are all evidence of how the Earth has changed over time and continues to change today.

Essential Vocabulary

ancient, crust, dinosaur, Earth, earthquake, evidence, fossil, lava, living, nonliving, planet, timeline, volcano

Professional Development screenshot
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Science4kid provides the essentials that teachers need to confidently and effectively lead a classroom in any science lesson. This demo shows:

  • One section of the “Teacher Explain”
  • One of the 40 teacher support documents

Support Document


In an interactive activity, students dig for fossils and learn about plant and animal evolution. Students match prehistoric animals to modern animal relatives and read and discuss a poem that begins to put time into perspective.

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