
The Earth’s Materials module taps into student knowledge immediately by beginning with a story about a class rock collection. Students use a dichotomous key to sort materials based on their attributes, such as whether they are natural or man-made, rough or smooth. This activity builds both science and language skills as students classify materials and build deeper understanding of new vocabulary.

Match It screenshot
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Match It

This Elaborate session allows students to apply what they have learned to new situations. In this session, students participate in a selection of activities that focus on science process skills and content understanding. To complete the session, students work independently or with peers to complete an offline activity that reinforces science process skills.

Fact Lab screenshot
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Fact Lab

This Elaborate session allows students to practice and apply new terminology related to the module content. In this session, students participate in a selection of activities that focus on vocabulary and content understanding. To complete the session, students work independently, or with peers, to complete an offline activity.

Materials module
 At a Glance


Everything is made up of different materials – even the Earth. Earth is made up of rock, water, and soil. This module provides students with the opportunity to explore Earth’s different materials and how living things utilize them.

Core Concept

Rocks, water, and soil are some of the materials that make up Earth.

Essential Vocabulary

crust, humus, manmade, material, natural, rock, sand, soil, texture, water

Professional Development screenshot
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Science4kid provides the essentials that teachers need to confidently and effectively lead a classroom in any science lesson. This demo shows:

  • One section of the “Teacher Explain”
  • One of the 40 teacher support documents

Support Document


Students use the Wetter Clown Getter to experiment with water absorption of Earth’s materials: stone, sand, and soil. Kids use both language and math skills in Water Is as they choose the best adjectives to describe water, collect the data and make a pie chart to display their results.

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