We give you the tools and training you need to get your students excited about science

Introduction to Science4kid

Start strong with this introductory workshop, delivered either onsite or via webinar. This course will give teachers the time and confidence they need to integrate Science4kid into their instruction. Teachers will learn how to navigate the program, the key components of a Science4kid instructional module, and how Science4kid lessons can look in their classrooms. They will then spend some time planning Science4kid lessons for their students.

Participants will:

  • Learn to navigate Science4kid.com
  • Enroll their students and assign an online activity
  • Utilize a variety of teaching strategies in their lessons
  • Plan engaging science lessons that build problem-solving skills and support literacy

Using Science4kid as the Foundation for Science Instruction

This workshop helps teachers develop a deeper understanding of how to integrate Science4kid into their curriculum. The course shows teachers how to get the most from the Science4kid Lesson Materials by making intentional instructional decisions as they design a lesson plan. In the workshop, the instructor models best practices for lesson planning using Science4kid. Teachers work individually or in small groups to integrate best teaching practices with Science4kid into their curriculum.

Participants will:

  • Effectively utilize Science4kid tools for K-2 instruction to improve student learning
  • Learn to incorporate Science4kid into a variety of instructional settings
  • Develop customized lessons by modifying the Science4kid resources

K-2 Learning and the 5E Instructional Model

Participating teachers will be able to effectively use Science4kid in the context of the 5E Model for science instruction. The workshop combines Science4kid hands-on activities with other Science4kid resources to enhance student engagement and understanding. Participants discuss the 5E instructional model and its benefits. The instructor demonstrates how Science4kid can be used in the context of each of the 5 Es.

Participants will:

  • Understand the 5E Instructional Model
  • Learn best practices for using Science4kid within any of the phases of the 5E model
  • Plan science lessons using the 5 Es and Science4kid and share lesson ideas with colleagues

KLEWS to Building Explanations in Science

This workshop will help teachers investigate ways to effectively infuse literacy into science lessons with Science4kid. Participants explore the use of the KLEWS and CER Frameworks to construct scientific explanations through experimentation and by visually connecting claims and evidence. The instructor demonstrates lessons that use the models to support scientific investigations.

Participants will:

  • Understand the KLEWS and CER frameworks for use in the science classroom
  • Explore the use of key literacy skills to develop student understanding of science concepts
  • Learn best practices for using Science4kid to incorporate literacy into lessons

Along with our on-demand professional development videos, teachers can use the Science4kid program-embedded videos and lesson plans that guide and support elementary educators to confidently and effectively teach science lessons in their K-2 classrooms.

Embedded teacher support includes:

  • Session Guides that explain the pedagogical importance of each session, the roles of the student and the teacher, and the best way to plan and deliver each daily science lesson
  • Teacher Guides that explain the objective for students and provide a step-by-step implementation guide for the lesson including recommended teaching strategies
  • Teacher Explain resources include:
    • Background knowledge teachers will need to lead a lesson with confidence
    • Common misconceptions to help students avoid
    • Best practices for extending the knowledge into students’ daily lives
    • Ideas for integrating literacy strategies
    • Cross-content connection awareness
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