Science4kid is a research-proven program that gives kids in grades K-2 a strong science foundation

In a McREL study, teachers from Denver, CO participated in a 2-week study using the States of Matter module with their 156 students, while another group of teachers and 116 students served as the control group and taught science as they usually did.

Both the control and experimental students were given a pre and post assessment to measure their content knowledge. The students who had used Science4kid showed greater gains on the posttest than the control group.

Early STEM education matters!

A brief from a National Science Foundation funded study about how early science and math education provides students with an important foundation for learning.


Research by the AERA (American Educational Research Association) shows that 62% of the students who enter kindergarten with limited exposure to science struggle with science in third grade, and 54% still struggle in eighth grade.


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